81R6407 E
  By: Marquez H.C.R. No. 47
         WHEREAS, The Honorable Paul Cruz Moreno, who joined the Texas
  House of Representatives in 1967, retired as the
  second-longest-serving member of that body in January 2009; and
         WHEREAS, This esteemed Texan was born on April 28, 1931, and
  was raised in El Paso; following his high school graduation, he
  enlisted in the Marines and, during his six years in uniform, he
  served with valor in the Korean War, earning numerous awards and
  decorations; he subsequently received a bachelor's degree in
  business administration from Texas Western College and a law degree
  from The University of Texas; and
         WHEREAS, Representative Moreno began his legislative career
  in 1967; long regarded as the "conscience" of the Texas House, he
  pushed for ethics reforms in the 1970s as a member of the "Dirty
  30"; he has also been a tenacious champion of the disadvantaged,
  fighting for single-member districts, seeking to expand access to
  quality education, and calling for the respectful recognition, both
  in rhetoric and in policy, of every individual's human dignity; and
         WHEREAS, Believed to be the longest-serving Mexican American
  lawmaker in the country, Representative Moreno in 1973 joined in
  founding the Mexican American Legislative Caucus, which addresses
  issues of particular concern to Latinos in Texas; moreover, he has
  endeavored to encourage grassroots participation in the political
  process, helping to establish the group Tejano Democrats and giving
  substantial support to the creation of the University Democrats at
  UTEP; and
         WHEREAS, For 40 years, Paul Moreno has devoted his
  considerable talents and abilities to representing the interests of
  his constituents and to advancing the cause of social justice in the
  Lone Star State, and he has earned the deep affection and admiration
  of his colleagues for his unfailing adherence to the highest ideals
  of public service; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 81st Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby pay tribute to the Honorable Paul Cruz Moreno for his four
  decades of exemplary legislative service and extend to him sincere
  best wishes for a rewarding retirement in the years ahead; and, be
  it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Paul Moreno as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives and Senate.