Agriculture, Rural Affairs & Homeland Security

            January 28, 2013 2:00 PM - or 30 minutes upon adjournment

            School Safety


                                 Anderson, David  General Counsel (Texas Education Agency), Austin, TX

                                 Beneski, Amy  Assoc. Executive Director, Governmental Relations (Texas Association of

                                 School Administrators), Austin, TX

                                 Beto, Barbara  Legislative Action Chair (Texas PTA), Round Rock, TX

                                 Blair, John  Director of Research  (also providing written testimony) (Advanced Law

                                 Enforcement Rapid Response Training Center), San Marcos, TX

                                 Calder, Victoria  Director (Texas School Safety Center), San Marcos, TX

                                 Clark, Catherine  Associate Executive Director  (also providing written testimony) (Texas

                                 Association of School Boards), Austin, TX

                                 Dunn, Don  Superintendent  (also providing written testimony) (Van ISD), Van, TX

                                 Friese, Jan  Executive Director  (also providing written testimony) (TX Counseling

                                 Association), Austin, TX

                                 Fryer, Jr., Lawrence W  Chief Operations Officer (Austin ISD), Austin, TX

                                 Gray, Brian  Superintendent  (also providing written testimony) (Union Grove ISD),

                                 Gladewater, TX

                                 Haggard, Carl  President  (also providing written testimony) (Concealed Arms for

                                 Teachers), Houston, TX

                                 Lee, Deann  President (Association of Texas Professional Educators), Austin, TX

                                 McCraw, Steven C.  Director (Texas Department of Public Safety), Austin, TX

                                 Miller, Craig R.  Chief of Police (Dallas ISD), Dallas, TX

                                 Quinzi, Patty  Legislative Counsel  (also providing written testimony) (TX-American

                                 Federation of Teachers), Austin, TX

                                 Ray, Howard  Graduate Student, Texas A&M University  (also providing written testimony)

                                 (Students of Greater Central Texas), Killeen, TX

                                 Riley, Kevin  Program Manager (Vigilant Eagle), Dallas, TX

                                 Schmitz, Joseph E.  Chief Operating Officer (Vigilant Eagle), Dallas, TX

                                 Sheets, Gene  President  (also providing written testimony) (Texas Association of Rural

                                 Schools), Muleshoe, TX

                                 Thweatt, David  Superintendent (Harrold ISD), Harrold, TX

                                 Williams, Paige  Staff Attorney/ Governmental Relations (Texas Classroom Teachers

                                 Association), Austin, TX

                                 Wolf, Stephen (Steve)  Tactical Firearms Instructor, Curriculum Development (Tactical

                                 Choices), Austin, TX

                                 Yen, Stephan  Chief Executive Officer (Vigilant Eagle), Dallas, TX

                  Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Cargill, Michael  Owner, Central Texas Gun Works  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Tripp, Alice  Lobbyist (Texas State Rifle Association), Austin, TX

                                 Vickers, Kim  Executive Director (Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer

                                 Standards and Education (TCLEOSE)), TX

                                 Whitfield, Hilary  Director (One Million Moms for Gun Control), Austin, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            Agriculture, Rural Affairs & Homeland Security

            January 28, 2013 2:00 PM - or 30 minutes upon adjournment

                  Providing written testimony:


                                 Freeman, Kathryn  Staff Attorney (Texas Appleseed), Austin, TX

                                 McGraw, Peter  Mental Health Policy Fellow (Hogg Foundation for Mental Health), Austin,


                                 Saxton, Josette  Mental Health Policy Association (Texans Care for Children), Austin, TX

                                 Venable, Peggy  TX Director (Americans for Prosperity), Austin, TX