
Saturday, May 20, 2017




********** SENATE AMENDMENTS **********

Senate amendment printings:

ELIGIBLE AT 5:50 PM MAY 19, 2017:

HB 834              Parker

Relating to regulating the custody transfer of an adopted child; creating a criminal offense.
     1 Amendment, consisting of 1 page total.

ELIGIBLE AT 10:50 PM MAY 19, 2017:

HB 1729             Neave / Thompson, Senfronia / Davis, Sarah / Price / Moody / et al.

Relating to establishing and funding a grant program for testing evidence collected in relation to sexual assaults or other sex offenses; authorizing voluntary contributions.
     1 Amendment, consisting of 1 page total.

ELIGIBLE AT 11:10 PM MAY 19, 2017:

HB 29               Thompson, Senfronia / Huberty / Collier / Cook / Frullo / et al.

Relating to prostitution and the trafficking of persons, civil racketeering related to trafficking, the investigation and prosecution of and punishment for certain sexual offenses and offenses involving or related to trafficking, reimbursement of certain costs for criminal victims who are children, and the release and reporting of certain information relating to a child; increasing a criminal penalty; creating a criminal offense.
     4 Amendments, consisting of 5 pages total.

ELIGIBLE AT 11:20 AM MAY 20, 2017:

HB 516              Israel

Relating to the requirement that drivers younger than a certain age complete and pass a driver education course.
     1 Amendment, consisting of 1 page total.

ELIGIBLE AT 12:40 PM MAY 20, 2017:

HB 3481             Thierry

Relating to the terms of district courts in Harris County.
     1 Amendment, consisting of 1 page total.

ELIGIBLE AT 1:10 PM MAY 20, 2017:

HB 25               Simmons / Larson / Laubenberg / Davis, Sarah / Fallon / et al.

Relating to the elimination of straight-party voting.
     1 Amendment, consisting of 1 page total.

ELIGIBLE AT 1:50 PM MAY 20, 2017:

HB 932              Johnson, Jarvis / Wu / Giddings / et al.

Relating to the collection of information concerning the number of juvenile offenders committed to the Texas Juvenile Justice Department who have been in foster care.
     1 Amendment, consisting of 1 page total.

ELIGIBLE AT 2:20 PM MAY 20, 2017:

HB 1449             Simmons / Workman / Paddie / Fallon / et al.

Relating to prohibiting local governments from imposing certain fees on new construction.
     1 Amendment, consisting of 1 page total.
     Committee Substitute, consisting of 3 pages total.

ELIGIBLE AT 3:30 PM MAY 20, 2017:

HB 66               Guillen / Blanco / Alonzo / Guerra / et al.

Relating to determining eligibility for a Texas Armed Services Scholarship and to the appointment by certain elected officials of students to receive that scholarship.
     Committee Substitute, consisting of 1 page total.

ELIGIBLE AT 4:00 PM MAY 20, 2017:

HB 129              Craddick

Relating to the manner in which a payor of proceeds derived from the sale of oil or gas production is required to provide certain information to a royalty interest owner.
     Committee Substitute, consisting of 2 pages total.

ELIGIBLE AT 6:00 PM MAY 20, 2017:

HB 3903             Burkett

Relating to certain political contributions by judicial candidates and officeholders and certain political committees.
     1 Amendment, consisting of 1 page total.



********** CONFERENCE COMMITTEE **********

Conference Committee Reports:

ELIGIBLE AT 7:00 PM MAY 20, 2017:

SB 301              Watson / et al.

SP: Flynn

Relating to the operations and functions of the Employees Retirement System of Texas and the sunset review date for, financial management of, and programs administered by the agency.


The Senate requests the appointment of a conference committee on:

SB 533              Nelson

SP: Geren

Relating to state agency contracting and procurement.
(Senate Conferees: Nelson, Ch./Hinojosa/Huffman/Nichols/Schwertner)