
Friday, May 26, 2017




********** CONFERENCE COMMITTEE **********

The Senate requests the appointment of a conference committee on:

SB 27               Campbell / et al.

SP: Blanco

Relating to the mental health program for veterans.
(Senate Conferees: Campbell, Ch./Buckingham/Menéndez/Schwertner/Uresti)

SB 634              Estes

SP: Button

Relating to reporting requirements for certain skills development fund workforce training program providers.
(Senate Conferees: Estes, Ch./Birdwell/Garcia/Seliger/Taylor, Larry)

SB 1462             Hinojosa / et al.

SP: Lucio III

Relating to local health care provider participation programs in certain counties and municipalities.
(Senate Conferees: Hinojosa, Ch./Bettencourt/Birdwell/Campbell/Taylor, Van)

SB 1660             Taylor, Larry

SP: King, Ken

Relating to the minutes of operation required for public school districts, charter schools, and other education programs and to calculating the average daily attendance for certain education programs.
(Senate Conferees: Taylor, Larry, Ch./Bettencourt/Huffines/Hughes/West)

SB 1839             Hughes / et al.

SP: Koop

Relating to the preparation, certification, and classification of public school educators.
(Senate Conferees: Hughes, Ch./Bettencourt/Campbell/Lucio/Taylor, Larry)

SB 1987             Lucio

SP: Murphy

Relating to the notice requirements for bills proposing the creation of or annexation of land to certain special purpose districts.
(Senate Conferees: Lucio, Ch./Bettencourt/Campbell/Creighton/Garcia)

SB 2065             Hancock

SP: Kuempel

Relating to the licensing and regulation of certain occupations and activities.
(Senate Conferees: Hancock, Ch./Huffines/Schwertner/Taylor, Larry/Whitmire)

SB 2118             Seliger / et al.

SP: Davis, Sarah / Howard / Laubenberg / Phillips / Giddings / et al.

Relating to authorization by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for certain public junior colleges to offer baccalaureate degree programs.
(Senate Conferees: Seliger, Ch./Bettencourt/Taylor, Larry/Watson/West)

SB 2244             West

SP: Giddings

Relating to the creation of the University Hills Municipal Management District; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments or fees.
(Senate Conferees: West, Ch./Campbell/Creighton/Lucio/Nichols)