HB 123 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 01/30/2007 H Referred to Elections | |
Caption: | Relating to the use of direct recording electronic voting machines. |
HB 124 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 05/09/2007 H Postponed | |
Caption: | Relating to certain offenses that involve impersonating a peace officer or other public servant and misrepresenting the nature of certain property. |
HB 211 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 01/30/2007 H Referred to Regulated Industries | |
Caption: | Relating to privacy of wireless telecommunications customer information; providing a civil penalty. |
HB 276 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 01/31/2007 H Referred to Public Health | |
Caption: | Relating to a risk assessment for Type 2 diabetes. |
HB 382 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 02/01/2007 H Referred to Judiciary | |
Caption: | Relating to a journalist's testimonial privilege. |
HB 1042 | Author: | Pena | Leibowitz |
Sponsor: | Hegar | |
Last Action: | 06/15/2007 E Effective on 9/1/07 | |
Caption: | Relating to excepting certain crime victim information from required disclosure under the public information law. |
HB 1264 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 05/15/2007 S Referred to Criminal Justice | |
Caption: | Relating to the admissibility of evidence of other similar offenses in the prosecution of certain sexual offenses. |
HB 1265 | Author: | Pena |
Sponsor: | Seliger | |
Last Action: | 06/15/2007 E Effective on 9/1/07 | |
Caption: | Relating to the operations of the Task Force on Indigent Defense and a legal services fee for indigent persons paid by members of the state bar. |
HB 1266 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 05/02/2007 H Reported favorably w/o amendment(s) | |
Caption: | Relating to the standards for attorneys representing indigent defendants in capital cases. |
HB 1267 | Author: | Pena |
Sponsor: | Seliger | |
Last Action: | 06/15/2007 E Effective on 9/1/07 | |
Caption: | Relating to appointment procedures concerning and compensation and reimbursement for counsel appointed to represent indigent defendants in certain criminal and post-conviction proceedings and to the creation of an indigent defense representation fund. |
HB 1303 | Author: | Pena |
Sponsor: | West, Royce | |
Last Action: | 06/15/2007 E Effective on 9/1/07 | |
Caption: | Relating to certain requirements applicable to orders of expunction or nondisclosure of criminal history records and to the protection of information that is the subject of one of those orders; providing penalties. |
HB 1375 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 02/19/2007 H Referred to Appropriations | |
Caption: | Relating to making an appropriation to The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio for the purpose of supporting the Regional Academic Health Center. |
HB 1545 | Author: | Pena |
Sponsor: | Duncan | |
Last Action: | 06/15/2007 E Effective on 9/1/07 | |
Caption: | Relating to competency to be executed in a capital case. |
HB 1766 | Author: | Pena | Van Arsdale | Bohac | Cook, Robby | Menendez |
Sponsor: | Carona | |
Last Action: | 06/15/2007 E Effective on 9/1/07 | |
Caption: | Relating to the punishment for theft of aluminum, bronze, or copper wiring. |
HB 1767 | Author: | Pena |
Sponsor: | Carona | |
Last Action: | 06/15/2007 E Effective on 9/1/07 | |
Caption: | Relating to the punishment for criminal mischief committed by interfering with certain transportation signs, signals, or devices. |
HB 1907 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 04/30/2007 H Laid on the table subject to call | |
Caption: | Relating to the issuance or violation of an order for emergency protection on the basis of the offense of sexual assault or aggravated sexual assault. |
HB 3059 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 05/07/2007 H Reported favorably w/o amendment(s) | |
Caption: | Relating to the appearance of certain misdemeanor offenders before a magistrate. |
HB 3060 | Author: | Pena |
Sponsor: | Watson | |
Last Action: | 06/15/2007 E Effective on 9/1/07 | |
Caption: | Relating to issuance by a court of a capias, a capias pro fine, or an arrest warrant. |
HB 3061 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 03/19/2007 H Referred to Higher Education | |
Caption: | Relating to the creation and administration of the professional nurse graduate education scholarship program. |
HB 3062 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 03/19/2007 H Referred to Ways & Means | |
Caption: | Relating to exempting textbooks for university and college courses from the sales tax. |
HB 3063 | Author: | Pena |
Sponsor: | Hinojosa | |
Last Action: | 05/23/2007 S Removed from local & uncontested calendar | |
Caption: | Relating to the filing of a foreign judgment in a Texas court. |
HB 3304 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 05/02/2007 H Left pending in committee | |
Caption: | Relating to certain correctional facilities that house only federal prisoners. |
HB 3305 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 05/01/2007 H No action taken in committee | |
Caption: | Relating to personal and monetary bail bond requests. |
HB 3584 | Author: | Pena |
Sponsor: | Van de Putte | |
Last Action: | 06/15/2007 E Effective on 9/1/07 | |
Caption: | Relating to the prosecution and punishment of certain theft offenses. |
HB 3585 | Author: | Pena |
Sponsor: | Van de Putte | |
Last Action: | 05/23/2007 S Placed on intent calendar | |
Caption: | Relating to the provision of a computerized victim notification system to certain state agencies and to counties. |
HCR 121 | Author: | Pena |
Sponsor: | Hinojosa | |
Last Action: | 06/15/2007 E Signed by the Governor | |
Caption: | Posthumously awarding the Texas Legislative Medal of Honor to Sergeant Alfredo Gonzalez for his heroic actions in Vietnam during the Tet Offensive. |
HCR 195 | Author: | Pena |
Sponsor: | Hinojosa | |
Last Action: | 05/18/2007 E Signed by the Governor | |
Caption: | In memory of Dr. Luis M. Rios, Sr., of Edinburg. |
HCR 254 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 05/25/2007 S Received from the House | |
Caption: | Congratulating The University of Texas-Pan American ROTC Battalion on earning the 2006 General Douglas MacArthur Award. |
HR 57 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 01/11/2007 H Reported enrolled: Jan 11 2007 2:37PM | |
Caption: | Congratulating Estella L. Trevino of Edinburg on her receipt of the Hall of Fame award from the Texas chapter of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials. |
HR 208 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 02/07/2007 H Reported enrolled: Feb 7 2007 9:54AM | |
Caption: | Welcoming the visiting delegation from Catholic Charities and commending them for their many good works. |
HR 209 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 02/09/2007 H Reported enrolled: Feb 9 2007 8:35AM | |
Caption: | In memory of Elias Longoria, Sr. |
HR 237 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 02/07/2007 H Reported enrolled: Feb 7 2007 9:54AM | |
Caption: | Recognizing February 6, 2007, as Texas Probation Association Day at the State Capitol. |
HR 266 | Author: | Pena | Gonzales |
Last Action: | 02/09/2007 H Reported enrolled: Feb 9 2007 8:35AM | |
Caption: | Recognizing February 8, 2007, as Edinburg Day at the State Capitol. |
HR 352 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 03/05/2007 H Reported enrolled: Mar 5 2007 6:47PM | |
Caption: | Commending Maria Raquel Perez Oliva of McAllen on her 18-year tenure with AVANCE-Rio Grande Valley. |
HR 364 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 03/05/2007 H Reported enrolled: Mar 5 2007 6:47PM | |
Caption: | Congratulating Francisco Barrientes on the naming of a new Edinburg middle school in his honor. |
HR 365 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 03/05/2007 H Reported enrolled: Mar 5 2007 8:00AM | |
Caption: | Honoring Jose Delgado on his selection as one of the state's top migrant students. |
HR 474 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 03/13/2007 H Reported enrolled: Mar 13 2007 9:33AM | |
Caption: | Commending Corporal Rey Leal for his heroic actions during combat in Iraq. |
HR 596 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 03/16/2007 H Reported enrolled: Mar 16 2007 8:10AM | |
Caption: | Welcoming the Rio Grande Valley Builders Association, Inc., to the State Capitol. |
HR 1438 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 04/30/2007 H Reported enrolled: Apr 30 2007 11:01AM | |
Caption: | In memory of Ciro Leonel Trevino of Edinburg. |
HR 1684 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 05/14/2007 H Reported enrolled: May 14 2007 11:25AM | |
Caption: | Commemorating the opening of the Dustin Michael Sekula Memorial Library in Edinburg. |
HR 1801 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 05/21/2007 H Reported enrolled: May 21 2007 11:33AM | |
Caption: | Honoring Elva Jackson Garza of Edinburg for her contributions to her community. |
HR 1802 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 05/21/2007 H Reported enrolled: May 21 2007 11:33AM | |
Caption: | Honoring Robert Capello of Edcouch-Elsa High School for his success as a basketball coach and his record of athletic achievement. |
HR 2086 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 05/30/2007 H Reported enrolled: May 30 2007 12:02PM | |
Caption: | Honoring Humberto Alejandro Hernandez of Edinburg on his service as a legislative intern in the office of State Representative Aaron Pena. |
HR 2087 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 05/30/2007 H Reported enrolled: May 30 2007 12:02PM | |
Caption: | Congratulating David George of Edinburg on being named salutatorian of the Edinburg North High School Class of 2007. |
HR 2088 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 05/30/2007 H Reported enrolled: May 30 2007 12:02PM | |
Caption: | Congratulating Matthew Hernandez of McAllen on being named valedictorian of the Edinburg North High School Class of 2007. |
HR 2089 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 05/30/2007 H Reported enrolled: May 30 2007 12:02PM | |
Caption: | Congratulating Francisco Ivan Garcia on being named the 2007 valedictorian of La Joya High School in Hidalgo County. |
HR 2090 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 05/30/2007 H Reported enrolled: May 30 2007 12:02PM | |
Caption: | Honoring Ramon and Beatrice Villarreal of Edinburg on their 50th wedding anniversary. |
HR 2096 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 05/30/2007 H Reported enrolled: May 30 2007 12:02PM | |
Caption: | Congratulating Anna Lee Mireles on being named the Class of 2007 valedictorian of La Villa High School. |
HR 2097 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 05/30/2007 H Reported enrolled: May 30 2007 12:02PM | |
Caption: | Congratulating Kassandra Roxanne Rocha on being named the Class of 2007 salutatorian of La Villa High School in Hidalgo County. |
HR 2098 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 05/30/2007 H Reported enrolled: May 30 2007 12:02PM | |
Caption: | Congratulating Carolee Ann Hinojosa on being named the Class of 2007 salutatorian of La Joya High School. |
HR 2148 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 05/30/2007 H Reported enrolled: May 30 2007 12:02PM | |
Caption: | Congratulating students of Edcouch-Elsa High School on being named first runner-up at the 4-A UIL One-Act Play State Contest. |
HR 2683 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 05/31/2007 H Reported enrolled: May 31 2007 10:55AM | |
Caption: | Honoring Veronica "Ronnie" Cortez and Clay Cortez of Austin for their service as house pages. |
HR 2684 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 05/31/2007 H Reported enrolled: May 31 2007 2:12PM | |
Caption: | Congratulating The University of Texas-Pan American ROTC Battalion on earning the 2006 General Douglas MacArthur Award. |
HR 2685 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 05/31/2007 H Reported enrolled: May 31 2007 2:12PM | |
Caption: | Commending Victor Anthony Flores of Edinburg on his service as a legislative intern in the office of Representative Aaron Pena. |
HR 2686 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 05/31/2007 H Reported enrolled: May 31 2007 2:12PM | |
Caption: | Commending John Nicholas de la Vina for his service as a legislative aide in the office of Representative Aaron Pena. |
HR 2687 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 05/31/2007 H Reported enrolled: May 31 2007 2:12PM | |
Caption: | Commending Maricela De Leon for her exemplary service as a legislative intern in the office of State Representative Aaron Pena. |
HR 2688 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 05/31/2007 H Reported enrolled: May 31 2007 2:12PM | |
Caption: | Congratulating Linh Gia Luong on being named the 2007 salutatorian for Edinburg High School. |
HR 2689 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 05/31/2007 H Reported enrolled: May 31 2007 2:12PM | |
Caption: | Honoring Linda Isela Figueroa on being named the 2007 valedictorian at Edinburg High School. |
HR 2690 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 05/31/2007 H Reported enrolled: May 31 2007 2:12PM | |
Caption: | Recognizing the second annual Texas Cook 'Em barbecue cook-off in Edinburg. |
HR 2787 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 05/30/2007 H Reported enrolled: May 30 2007 12:02PM | |
Caption: | Commending Gina Chung for her service as committee clerk with the House Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence and Chairman Aaron Pena. |
HR 2788 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 05/30/2007 H Reported enrolled: May 30 2007 12:02PM | |
Caption: | Commending Taylor Fitzgerald on her service as a legislative intern with the House Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence and Chairman Aaron Pena. |
HR 2789 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 05/30/2007 H Reported enrolled: May 30 2007 12:02PM | |
Caption: | Commending Lauren Elizabeth Owens on her service as an intern with the House Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence. |
HR 2910 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 05/30/2007 H Reported enrolled: May 30 2007 12:02PM | |
Caption: | Commemorating the grand opening of the new Edwards Abstract and Title Company headquarters in Edinburg. |
HR 2911 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 05/31/2007 H Reported enrolled: May 31 2007 2:12PM | |
Caption: | Commending Anne Kathleen Creixell on her service as general counsel of the House Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence and Chairman Aaron Pena. |
HR 2914 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 05/31/2007 H Reported enrolled: May 31 2007 10:55AM | |
Caption: | Commending Shaine Mata for his service as an assistant committee clerk with the House Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence. |
HR 2916 | Author: | Pena |
Last Action: | 05/31/2007 H Reported enrolled: May 31 2007 10:55AM | |
Caption: | Commending Chelsea Harmon for her service as an intern with the House Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence. |
HB 8 | Author: | Riddle | Berman | Pena | Vaught | Escobar |
Sponsor: | Deuell | |
Last Action: | 06/15/2007 E Effective on 9/1/07 | |
Caption: | Relating to the prosecution, punishment, and supervision of certain sex offenders and to certain crimes involving sex offenders. |
HB 10 | Author: | Chavez | Pena | Castro | Haggerty |
Last Action: | 05/04/2007 H Failed to pass to engrossment | |
Caption: | Relating to certain gaming activity conducted by an Indian tribe or tribal organization. |
HB 48 | Author: | Chavez | McClendon | Guillen | Castro | Pena |
Sponsor: | Zaffirini | |
Last Action: | 06/15/2007 E Vetoed by the Governor | |
Caption: | Relating to distributions from the employment and training investment holding fund. |
HB 73 | Author: | Flynn | Branch | King, Phil | Pena | Davis, Yvonne |
Sponsor: | Van de Putte | |
Last Action: | 06/15/2007 E Effective on 9/1/07 | |
Caption: | Relating to the protection of customer telephone records; providing a penalty. |
HB 109 | Author: | Turner | Davis, John | Dukes | England | Pena |
Sponsor: | Averitt | Van de Putte | |
Last Action: | 06/15/2007 E Effective immediately | |
Caption: | Relating to eligibility for and information regarding the child health plan program. |
HB 172 | Author: | Raymond | Pena | Vaught |
Last Action: | 05/10/2007 H Placed on General State Calendar | |
Caption: | Relating to the confidentiality of a family violence victim's identifying information; providing a penalty. |
HB 280 | Author: | Madden | Pena | Guillen |
Sponsor: | Gallegos | |
Last Action: | 06/15/2007 E Effective immediately | |
Caption: | Relating to the eligibility of juvenile correctional officers for the fire fighter and law enforcement or security officer home loan program. |
HB 309 | Author: | Truitt | Pena |
Sponsor: | Brimer | |
Last Action: | 06/15/2007 E Effective immediately | |
Caption: | Relating to certain notifications made by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to close relatives of deceased victims. |
HB 427 | Author: | Madden | McClendon | Branch | Pena |
Last Action: | 04/05/2007 H Reported favorably as substituted | |
Caption: | Relating to the prosecution of certain crimes occurring in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice or Texas Youth Commission. |
HB 529 | Author: | Hopson | Pena |
Last Action: | 04/18/2007 H Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar | |
Caption: | Relating to the definition of criminally injurious conduct for purposes of the Crime Victims' Compensation Act. |
HB 530 | Author: | Madden | Rodriguez | Pena | Hodge | Woolley |
Sponsor: | Seliger | |
Last Action: | 06/15/2007 E Effective immediately | |
Caption: | Relating to the operation and funding of drug court programs. |
HB 541 | Author: | Martinez Fischer | Van Arsdale | Gonzalez Toureilles | Pena | Herrero |
Sponsor: | Hinojosa | |
Last Action: | 06/15/2007 E Vetoed by the Governor | |
Caption: | Relating to procedures for certain persons charged with certain new offenses or an administrative violation of a condition of release from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice on parole or mandatory supervision. |
HB 587 | Author: | Gonzalez Toureilles | Pena | Escobar |
Sponsor: | Hinojosa | |
Last Action: | 06/15/2007 E Effective on 9/1/07 | |
Caption: | Relating to the recording and availability of certain court documents. |
HB 685 | Author: | Orr | Bonnen | Otto | Pena | Cook, Robby |
Last Action: | 04/19/2007 S Referred to Finance | |
Caption: | Relating to the exemption of volunteer fire departments from certain motor fuel taxes. |
HB 914 | Author: | Madden | McClendon | Pena | Dutton | Van Arsdale |
Sponsor: | Hinojosa | |
Last Action: | 06/15/2007 E Effective immediately | |
Caption: | Relating to the establishment of an office of inspector general at the Texas Youth Commission. |
HB 1000 | Author: | Burnam | Leibowitz | Dunnam | Rodriguez | Pena |
Last Action: | 04/17/2007 S Referred to Finance | |
Caption: | Relating to exemptions from the sales tax for certain energy efficient products for a limited period. |
HB 1105 | Author: | McClendon | Truitt | Pena | Otto | Kolkhorst |
Last Action: | 04/19/2007 S Referred to State Affairs | |
Caption: | Relating to the state contribution to the Teacher Retirement System of Texas, including a one-time supplemental annuity payment. |
HB 1106 | Author: | Lucio III | Escobar | Rose | Pena |
Last Action: | 04/23/2007 H Committee report sent to Calendars | |
Caption: | Relating to considering ownership interests of disabled veterans in determining whether a business is a historically underutilized business for purposes of state contracting. |
HB 1121 | Author: | Anchia | Pena | Riddle |
Sponsor: | Van de Putte | |
Last Action: | 06/15/2007 E Effective immediately | |
Caption: | Relating to judicial findings, a criminal offense, and preventative actions regarding human trafficking or other similar abuse. |
HB 1212 | Author: | Pierson | Pena | Truitt | Veasey |
Sponsor: | Harris | |
Last Action: | 06/15/2007 E Effective on 9/1/07 | |
Caption: | Relating to the penalties for intoxication assault and intoxication manslaughter and to the sentencing of defendants convicted of those offenses. |
HB 1286 | Author: | Chisum | Pena |
Last Action: | 04/18/2007 H Left pending in committee | |
Caption: | Relating to the tax imposed on certain tobacco products. |
HB 1503 | Author: | Lucio III | Escobar | Pena | Goolsby | O'Day |
Sponsor: | Hinojosa | |
Last Action: | 06/15/2007 E Vetoed by the Governor | |
Caption: | Relating to a person's eligibility for a license to carry a concealed handgun and to the prosecution of certain offenses involving the possession of a weapon. |
HB 1519 | Author: | Smith, Todd | Pena |
Sponsor: | Carona | |
Last Action: | 06/15/2007 E Vetoed by the Governor | |
Caption: | Relating to including within the offense of barratry and solicitation of professional employment certain solicitations made during certain periods. |
HB 1738 | Author: | Lucio III | Herrero | Pena | Strama |
Last Action: | 05/03/2007 H Committee report sent to Calendars | |
Caption: | Relating to a medical assistance buy-in program for children with Down syndrome or certain other disabilities. |
HB 1756 | Author: | Madden | Pena |
Last Action: | 05/08/2007 H Postponed | |
Caption: | Relating to the grade of offense for which a person may be committed to the Texas Youth Commission and the termination of control of persons committed to the Texas Youth Commission. |
HB 1887 | Author: | Truitt | Pena | Branch | Latham | Anchia |
Sponsor: | Whitmire | |
Last Action: | 06/15/2007 E Effective on 9/1/07 | |
Caption: | Relating to the punishment for and prevention of the offense of burglary of vehicles. |
HB 2249 | Author: | Van Arsdale | Pena |
Last Action: | 03/07/2007 H Referred to Judiciary | |
Caption: | Relating to a qualified privilege of a journalist not to testify. |
HB 2807 | Author: | Madden | Pena | McClendon | Castro | Woolley |
Last Action: | 05/07/2007 H Laid on the table subject to call | |
Caption: | Relating to the Texas Youth Commission and the prosecution of certain offenses and delinquent conduct in the Texas Youth Commission and certain other criminal justice agencies; providing penalties. |
HB 3431 | Author: | Strama | Leibowitz | Anchia | Pena | Keffer, Jim |
Sponsor: | Averitt | |
Last Action: | 05/18/2007 S No action taken in committee | |
Caption: | Relating to the use of anthropogenic carbon dioxide in the recovery of oil. |
HB 3857 | Author: | Gonzalez Toureilles | Corte, Frank | Escobar | Pena | Herrero |
Last Action: | 05/08/2007 H Considered in Calendars | |
Caption: | Relating to the issuance of specialty license plates to family members of a person who dies while serving in the United States armed forces. |
HCR 92 | Author: | Flynn | King, Tracy | Pena |
Last Action: | 04/04/2007 H No action taken in committee | |
Caption: | Authorizing the construction of a monument on the Capitol grounds honoring the contributions of small businesses. |
HR 139 | Author: | Alonzo | Pena |
Last Action: | 02/26/2007 H Reported enrolled: Feb 26 2007 2:19PM | |
Caption: | Recognizing the week of April 22 through April 28, 2007, as National Crime Victims' Rights Week. |
HR 226 | Author: | Gonzales | Flores | Pena |
Last Action: | 02/07/2007 H Reported enrolled: Feb 7 2007 9:54AM | |
Caption: | Recognizing February 6, 2007, as McAllen Day at the State Capitol. |
HR 386 | Author: | Flores | Pena | Gonzales | Martinez, "Mando" |
Last Action: | 02/15/2007 H Reported enrolled: Feb 15 2007 2:41PM | |
Caption: | Recognizing February 14, 2007, as Hidalgo County Day at the State Capitol. |
HR 557 | Author: | Dutton | Pena |
Last Action: | 03/02/2007 H Reported enrolled: Mar 2 2007 7:56AM | |
Caption: | Honoring Joaquin A. Rodriguez of Edinburg for participating in the Boys & Girls Clubs of America 2007 Youth of the Year program. |
HR 593 | Author: | Gonzales | Martinez, "Mando" | Pena | Flores | Guillen |
Last Action: | 02/27/2007 H Reported enrolled: Feb 27 2007 4:03PM | |
Caption: | Congratulating Dr. Shirley A. Reed of Mission on her selection as the 2007 Border Texan of the Year. |
HR 678 | Author: | Flores | Pena | Martinez, "Mando" | Gonzales |
Last Action: | 03/12/2007 H Reported enrolled: Mar 12 2007 11:15AM | |
Caption: | In memory of Lance Corporal Benito A. Ramirez of Edinburg. |
HR 679 | Author: | Flores | Martinez, "Mando" | Pena | Gonzales |
Last Action: | 03/12/2007 H Reported enrolled: Mar 12 2007 11:15AM | |
Caption: | In memory of Lance Corporal Julio C. Cisneros-Alvarez of Pharr. |
HR 680 | Author: | Flores | Martinez, "Mando" | Pena | Gonzales |
Last Action: | 03/12/2007 H Reported enrolled: Mar 12 2007 11:15AM | |
Caption: | In memory of Sergeant Juan Calderon, Jr., of Weslaco. |
HR 681 | Author: | Flores | Martinez, "Mando" | Pena | Gonzales |
Last Action: | 03/12/2007 H Reported enrolled: Mar 12 2007 11:15AM | |
Caption: | In memory of U.S. Army Sergeant Daniel Lee Galvan. |
HR 682 | Author: | Flores | Gonzales | Pena | Martinez, "Mando" |
Last Action: | 03/12/2007 H Reported enrolled: Mar 12 2007 11:15AM | |
Caption: | In memory of U.S. Army Sergeant Javier Marin, Jr., of Mission. |
HR 683 | Author: | Flores | Martinez, "Mando" | Pena | Gonzales |
Last Action: | 03/12/2007 H Reported enrolled: Mar 12 2007 11:15AM | |
Caption: | In memory of Army National Guard Sergeant Tomas Garces. |
HR 684 | Author: | Flores | Pena | Martinez, "Mando" | Gonzales |
Last Action: | 03/12/2007 H Reported enrolled: Mar 12 2007 7:50AM | |
Caption: | In memory of U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Omar D. Flores of Mission. |
HR 1049 | Author: | Gonzales | Flores | Pena | Martinez, "Mando" |
Last Action: | 03/30/2007 H Reported enrolled: Mar 30 2007 1:53PM | |
Caption: | Honoring Mayor Richard F. Cortez for his outstanding service to the residents of McAllen. |
HR 1279 | Author: | Martinez, "Mando" | Flores | Gonzales | Pena |
Last Action: | 03/28/2007 H Reported enrolled: Mar 28 2007 9:45PM | |
Caption: | Recognizing March 27, 2007, as House District 39 Day at the State Capitol. |
HR 1282 | Author: | Martinez, "Mando" | Flores | Gonzales | Pena |
Last Action: | 03/28/2007 H Reported enrolled: Mar 28 2007 5:23PM | |
Caption: | Congratulating the Weslaco High School boys' basketball team on its outstanding season. |