Friday, May 16, 2014

10:00 AM

Betty King Committee Room




Pursuant to HCR 43, a notice was posted on May 6, 2014, of the Legislative Committee on Aging.  A public hearing was held on Friday, May 16, 2014, in the Betty King Committee Room at Austin, Texas.







Senator Joan Huffman, Chair


Ben Dickerson

Betty Streckfuss


Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr.

Representative Susan King



Representative Elliott Naishtat






The chair called the meeting to order at 10:03 AM. The following business was transacted:


Senator Huffman made opening remarks. The Chair recognized members of the committee to make opening statements, and introduce staff.


The following persons provided invited testimony:

Jon Weizenbaum, Commissioner, Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS)

Chris Traylor, Chief Deputy Commissioner, Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC)

Dr. Peggy Russell, Texas Medical Association (TMA)

Amanda Fredriksen, American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)

Ms. Chris Kyker, Texas Silver Haired Legislature (TSHL)


Representative Susan King present, and a quorum was established at 10:23 a.m.


Representative Naishtat moved adoption of the committee rules. The rules were adopted by a vote of 4 ayes and 0 nays.


Invited testimony resumed (see attached witness list).


There being no further business, at 12:56 PM Representative King moved that the Committee stand recessed subject to the call of the chair. Without objection, it was so ordered.




Senator Joan Huffman, Chair




Sam Carlson, Clerk