HB 2364


              State Affairs Committee

              April 10, 2013 - 1:00 PM or upon final adjourn./recess

                       For :

                                 Calvey, Kevin (Self)

                                 Chunn, Tama (Self; Life Advocates)

                                 Collins, Jason (Self)

                                 Everett, Carol (Self)

                                 Graham, Elizabeth (Self; Texas Right to Life)

                                 Liu, Paul (Self)

                                 Nuckols, Beverly (Self)

                                 Nuckols, Beverly (Self; Texas Alliance for Life)

                                 Nunnelly, Patrick (Self)

                                 Seago, John (Self; Texas Right to Life)

                                 Skop, Ingrid (Self)

                                 Ward, Christian (Self)

                                 Wood, Cecilia (Self; Concerned for America of Texas)

                                 Wright, Kyleen (Self; Texans for Life)

                       Against :

                                 Busby, Heather (Self; NARAL Pro-Choice Texas)

                                 Crawford, Russell (Self; Natural Abortion Laws .com)

                                 Gifford, Fatimah (Whole Woman's Health)

                                 Hagstrom Miller, Amy (Whole Woman's Health)

                                 Long, Amelia (Self; Lilith Fund)

                                 Metcalf, Carole (Self)

                                 Robertson, Rebecca (ACLU of Texas)

                                 Schuette, Katherine (Self; Planned parenthood)

                                 Sebestyen, Christina (Self)

                       Registering, but not testifying:

                       For :

                                 Allmon, Jennifer (The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops)

                                 Arnold, Veronica (Self)

                                 Beckmeyer, Teresa (Self)

                                 Blauvelt, Erin (Self; Texas Alliance for Life)

                                 Burns, Brooke (Self)

                                 Cobern, Pam (Self; Austin LifeCare)

                                 Conway, Melissa (Self; Anchor point pregnancy center)

                                 Crawford, Sarah (Self; Texas Right to Life)

                                 Davidson, Elizabeth (Self; Women's Wellness Coalition of Texas)

                                 Drenner, Julie (Texas Values)

                                 Exley, Nathan (Self)

                                 Feldt   (Self)

                                 Finkelstein, Mary Carl (Self)

                                 Fischer   (Self)

                                 Gerstenschlager, MerryLynn (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)

                                 Gregory   (Self)

                                 Grummer, Jonathan (Self; Ne tarrant tea party)

                                 Harless, Barbara (Self; North Texas Citizens' Lobby)

                                 Hastings, Paul (Self)

                                 Hebert, Kathy (Self; North texas citizens lobby)

                                 Hebert, Kathy (Self; North Texas Citizens Lobby)

                                 Hettinger, Ann (Self; Concerned Women for America)

                                 Horne, Emily (Texas Right To Life)

                                 Hotze, Margaret (Self; Life Advocates)

                                 Huber, David (Self)


                                                                              WITNESS LIST

              HB 2364


              State Affairs Committee

                                 Humphrey, James (Self)

                                 Jenson, Jay (Self; Nettp)

                                 Johnson, Teri (Self; Austin lifecare)

                                 Kebodeaux, Emily (Self)

                                 Kissling, Ben (Self; NE Tarrant Tea Party)

                                 Kohlmann, Jamie (Self)

                                 Lively, Ben (Self)

                                 McCarty, Julie (Self; NE Tarrant Tea Party)

                                 Newman, Jeremy (Self)

                                 Panetti, Dan (Self)

                                 Pojman, Joe (Texas Alliance for Life)

                                 Saenz, Jonathan (Texas Values)

                                 Sanchez, Gabriel (Self)

                                 Sanchez, Irma (Self)

                                 Simpson   (Self)

                                 Smith, Corinne (Self; North Texas Citizens Lobby)

                                 Smith, Michelle (Self; Concerned Women for America)

                                 Smith, Robert (Self)

                                 Snodgrass, Ben (Self)

                                 Snodgrass, JoAnn (Self; North Texas Citizens' Lobby)

                                 Venable, Peggy (Self)

                                 Wicker   (Self)

                                 Williams, Tent (Self)

                       Against :

                                 Armijo-Grover, Camilla (Self)

                                 Ausley, Robbie (Self)

                                 Ausley, Thomas (Self)

                                 Banda, Jennifer (Texas Hospital Association)

                                 Collier, Brenda (Self)

                                 Collier, Roger (Self)

                                 Gerritsen, Pam (Self)

                                 Greer, Andrea (Self)

                                 Gunn, Christiana (Self)

                                 Hester, Tina (Self; Jane's due process)

                                 Hollier, Lisa (Texas District fof the American Congress of Obstetricians and


                                 Jarl McCombs, Jennifer (Self)

                                 Lavelle, Tanya (Self)

                                 LeBlanc, Lisa (Self)

                                 Manuel, Amy (Self; PFLAG Denton)

                                 McFarland, Jane (Self)

                                 Morton, Peggy (Self; 1st Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin Social Action


                                 Nevill, Heather (Self; Secular Legislative Action Committee)

                                 Phillips, Hope (Self)

                                 Riemer, Samantha (Whole Woman's Health)

                                 Rozmaryn, Faye (Self; League of Women Voters Texas)

                                 Rubin, Anna (Self; NARAL Pro-Choice Texas)

                                 Schicker, Jacqueline (Self)

                                 Sheppard, Jade (Self)

                                 Simms   (Self; Jane's Due Process)

                                 Stanley, Drew (Whole Woman's Health)

                                 Yelverton, Brittany (Self)
