Natural Resources & Economic Development

            May 5, 2015 11:00 AM -  or 15 minutes upon adjournment

            SB 1220


                                 Daily, Jeffrey N.   (Self), Houston, TX

                                 Fields, Jess  (Texas Public Policy Foundation), Austin, TX

                                 Hotze, Bruce R.   (Self), Houston, TX

                                 Sumners, Don  CPA  (Self; Former Harris Co Tax Assessor - Coll), Houston, TX


                                 Lary, Trey  (ABHR LLP), Austin, TX

                  Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Acevedo, Julie  (City of Baytown), Austin, TX

                                 Cabrales, John  (City of Denton), Denton, TX

                                 Calderon, Bill  (Killam Development; Land Development, Inc and other development

                                 concerns), Houston, TX

                                 Canally, Greg  (City of Austin, TX), Austin, TX

                                 Coyle, Jeff  (City of San Antonio), San Antonio, TX

                                 Franco, Brie L.  (City of El Paso), El Paso, TX

                                 Gandy, Jim  (Frisco Economic Development Corp.), Frisco, TX

                                 Garcia, Michael  (City of Temple), Austin, TX

                                 Hale, Angela  (City of McKinney, McKinney ED.C., McKinney Chamber), Austin, TX

                                 Hurtado, Natali  (Hawes Hill Calderon LLP), Houston, TX

                                 Igo, Shanna  (Texas Municipal League), Austin, TX

                                 Johnson, Windy  (Texas Conference of Urban Counties), Austin, TX

                                 Joyce, Ellen  (City of Irving), Austin, TX

                                 Kembel, Robert   (Self), Denton, TX

                                 Lanagan, Lindsay  (City of Houston), Houston, TX

                                 Leach, Ryan  (Downtown Management Dist.), Houston, TX

                                 Lord, Clark Stockton   (Self), Houston, TX

                                 McCarley, James  (City of Plano, TX), McKinney, TX

                                 Payne, Bruce   (Self), Arlington, TX

                                 Perez, Ricardo A.  (City of Mission), Mission, TX

                                 Perez Jr., Alajandro  Councilman (City of Laredo), Laredo, TX

                                 Ramirez, Rick  (City of Sugar Land), Sugar Land, TX

                                 Sanders, Joshua  (Houstonians for Responsible Growth), Houston, TX

                                 Schwab, Carlton  (Texas Economic Development Council), Austin, TX

                                 Warndof, Donna  (Harris County), Houston, TX

                                 Yelverton, Shana  (City of South Lake), South Lake, TX