Property Tax Reform & Relief, Select

            May 10, 2016 9:00 AM

            Property Tax Reform and Relief


                                 Adair, Bob  tax analyst  (also providing written testimony) (TTARA), Houston, TX

                                 Alexander, Russell  Property Tax Consultant  (also providing written testimony)  (Self),

                                 Bellaire, TX

                                 Bassett, Steve  CPA School District (Fort Bend ISD)

                                 Belt, Robert  CPA - Auditor for cities, counties, and schools (Belt Harris Pechacek),

                                 Houston, TX

                                 Bentley, Geri  Mayor Pro Tem (League City)

                                 Betancourt, Tammy  CEO Houston Boma (Houston Boma), Houston, TX

                                 Carter, James  Appraiser/ Expert Witness  (also providing written testimony) (Property

                                 Evaluation Services/ O'Connor & Associates), Houston

                                 Casale, Bob  Real Estate  (Self)

                                 Cox, Braden  Director US State Public Policy  (also providing written testimony) (Amazon)

                                 Craymer, Dale  President  (also providing written testimony) (Texas Taxpayers & Research

                                 Association), Austin, TX

                                 Diaz, Lisa  (My family), Houston, TX

                                 Forbes, Dean P.  Retired  (Self)

                                 Galbraith, Patricia  Managing Tax Director (AECT), Metairie, LA

                                 Gonzalez, Jose Carlos  Employee Benefit Administration  (also providing written

                                 testimony)  (Self; Family/ Community)

                                 Hart, Coach Dan  Retired Coach (Kinkaid)  (also providing written testimony) (Taxpayers

                                 For Equal Appraisal (Posse)), Ho., TX

                                 Hartman, Al  Commercial R.E. (Hi-Reit)

                                 Henley, Terry  GE Retired - Engineer  (also providing written testimony) (City of Meadows

                                 Place (small cities)), Meadows Place, TX

                                 Hogue, Tiffany   (also providing written testimony) (Texas Organizing Project)

                                 Hotze, Bruce R.  (Let the People Vote Houston)

                                 Hunt, Lisa  Rector, St. Stephen's Episcopal Church  (also providing written testimony) (My


                                 Hunt, Stacy G.  Apartment Development & Mgt  (Self; My firm (Greystar) and the Texas

                                 Apt. Assn.)

                                 Ingram, Robert  Tax Consultant (500 client)

                                 Johnson, Cheryl E  Galveston Co. Tax Assessor Collector  (also providing written

                                 testimony) (GCTO & Co. Citizens)

                                 Kennedy, John  Senior Analyst  (also providing written testimony) (Texas Taxpayers &

                                 Research Association (TTARA)), Austin

                                 Khan, W Barry  Developer  (also providing written testimony)  (Self; TAAHP, TAA and

                                 Texas Builders)

                                 Larsen, Yvonne  Sales & Director-elect Seinna Mud 10  (Self)

                                 Laymon, Aaron  Real Estate Broker  (also providing written testimony)  (Self; Fort Bend &

                                 Harris County property owner)

                                 Lehmann, David R.  Lobbyist (The Taxpayers of Texas)

                                 Lewis, Mike  President, Lewis Food Town (Lewis Food Town), Houston, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            Property Tax Reform & Relief, Select

            May 10, 2016 9:00 AM

                                 McCloskey, Scott  Electrical Engineer  (also providing written testimony)  (Self), Sugar

                                 Land, TX

                                 Meyer, Tony   (Self)

                                 Miller, Bert  Business Owner & Mayor of Navasota (City of Navasota), Navasota

                                 Moore, Steve  Apartment Owner (AMG. inc)

                                 Morris, Malcolm  attorney  (also providing written testimony)  (Self; Reverend John R.

                                 Bisagao), Ho., TX

                                 Mosbacher, Jerry  Hospice  (also providing written testimony)  (Self; Many other

                                 Taxpayers), TX

                                 Norman, Scott  Executive Director (Texas Association of Builders), Austin, TX

                                 Olson, Franklin   (also providing written testimony) (The Metropolitan Organization)

                                 Osenbagh, John C.  real estate/property tax  (also providing written testimony)  (Self)

                                 Patel, A.  Childcare Center  (Self)

                                 Pederson, Rick   (also providing written testimony)  (Self), Fulshear, TX

                                 Quintero, James  Analyst  (also providing written testimony) (Texas Public Policy


                                 Sharp, Kathryn  VP of Tax for Stage Stores  (also providing written testimony)  (Self; Stage

                                 Stores), Houston, TX

                                 Shipp, Earl  Vice President, Gulf Coast Operations  (also providing written testimony)

                                 (DOW Chemical - also TTARA, TCC & TAM), Freeport, TX

                                 Shoemaker, David  Senior Policy Analyst  (also providing written testimony) (Select

                                 Committee for Property Tax Relief and Reform)

                                 Spears, John Stephen  retired  (also providing written testimony)  (Self)

                                 Stalinsky, Cheryl  Retired Economic Development Dir  (Self)

                                 Staples, Todd  President (Texas Oil & Gas Association), Austin, TX

                                 Stiefer, Sands L.  Chief Appraiser, Harris Co. Appraisal District  (also providing written

                                 testimony)  (Self; Harris CAD)

                                 Stone, Dawn   (also providing written testimony)  (Self), Conroe, TX

                                 Sullivan, Mike  Harris County Tax Assessor- Collector  (Self), Houston, TX

                                 Thompson, Jessie   (Self)

                                 Turney, Bill  Retired  (Self)

                                 Valenta, John  Property Tax Manager (TXOGA/ TTARA), Houston, TX

                                 Wald, Jerome S.  Retired state employee  (Self)

                                 Walla, Allison  HR - Delta Refractions, INC.  (also providing written testimony) (Weston


                                 Weisfeld, Sheldon  Real Estate Investments  (also providing written testimony)  (Self;

                                 SADANA Global, WEKAN developments)

                                 Welling, Fred  Real Estate Developer  (Self)

                                 Whitehead, Glen  Chief Appraiser (Fort Bend Central Appraisal District), Rosenberg

                                 Williams, Kenneth  Veterinarian (Retired)  (also providing written testimony)  (Self),

                                 Houston, TX

                                 Wilson, William C.  Retired  (Self), Cypress, TX

                                 Wright, Mary Ann  CFO & Mustang Cat (Mustang Cat (Caterpillar Dealership))

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            Property Tax Reform & Relief, Select

            May 10, 2016 9:00 AM

                  Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Ball, Barbara  Housewife (Weston Lakes)

                                 Boyer, Lance  Regional Security Advisor  (Self), Katy, TX

                                 Brown, Allen  Taxpayer (Allen Brown), Kingwood, TX

                                 Clayton, Rhonda  Retired Educator (Weston Lakes), Katy, TX

                                 Dalwadi, Sumit  Hospitality Management & Development (Dalwadi Hospitality


                                 Doherty, Joanne  Retired  (Self), Burton, TX

                                 Evans, Brad  Realtor (Luckey Lane Properties)

                                 Fairfield, Stephen  community developer (Covenant Community Capital), Houston

                                 Fite, Walter  Retired  (Self), Missouri City, TX

                                 Ford, J Steve  Real Estate (Affordable Housing), Houston

                                 Friedberg, Andrew S.  Mayor (City of Bellaire)

                                 Hoelscher, Dennis  Business Information Systems  (Self), Richmond, TX

                                 Kilday, Les  Apartment Developer (Affordable Housing), Sugar Land

                                 Kline, Sue  Retired (Weston Lakes)

                                 Lindsey (USA RET) 30 yrs, Col. Terry  Engineer, Home Owner, Business Owner  (Self;

                                 Homeowners), Houston, TX

                                 Lofton, Mattie  retired - Texas Retired Teachers (Weston Lakes), Fulshear, TX

                                 Martin, Robert E.  CPA  (Self), Houston, TX

                                 Moufon Jr., Jerry  Business (City of Deer Park)

                                 Owen, Allen  Mayor Missouri City (Missouri City)

                                 Patel, Ajay  Hotel Owner (Pika Hotels/THLA)

                                 Peck, Karen  Attorney; also Vice President, Spring Branch ISD Board of Trustees (Spring

                                 Branch ISD Board of Trustees), Houston, TX

                                 Pennington, Robert  City Finance (City of Cleveland)

                                 Polasek (Mayor of Victoria), Paul  Self Employed  (Self)

                                 Robinson, Mike  Real Estate Developer (Affordable Housing)

                                 Russell, Gerald  Retired  (Self)

                                 Scarborough, Jim  Real Estate Developer (Taxpayer)

                                 Scarbrough, Daphne  retail/metal fabricator (myself as a sale proprietor), Houston, TX

                                 Schei, Inger Lise  Home (Grayson Lakes, Katy 77494 TX), Katy, TX

                                 Sheffield, Heather  Social Media Consultant (Spring Branch Speaks)

                                 Singh, Roy  Retired  (Self), Houston, TX

                                 Stafford, Brad  City Manager (City of Navasota), Navasota, TX

                                 Strausand, Ben  Banker  (Self)

                                 Stripling, Hortense  Retired HR Professional (Weston Lakes), Weston Lakes, TX

                                 Walker, Carl  Oil & Gas Industry - Property Tax (TXOGA/TTARA), Houston, TX

                                 Wolff, Ed  Realtor (Self & Clients), Houston, TX

                                 Wyatt, Jerry  Coucilman, Missouri City, TX (Missouri City)

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            Property Tax Reform & Relief, Select

            May 10, 2016 9:00 AM

                  Providing written testimony:


                                 Bechtel, Michael  Mayor (City of Morgan's Point), Morgan's Point, TX

                                 Berry, Kenneth  Engineer (Citizens of San Patricia County)

                                 Cernosek, Larry  Automotive  (Self; other small business), Deer Park, TX

                                 Gay, Clifford  Retired  (Self), Richmond, TX

                                 Guerra-Cardus, Laura  non-profit child advocacy (Children's Defense Fund - TX), Austin,


                                 Hopkins, Earlene  Retired educator public schools  (Self; Weston Lakes)

                                 Hyde, Walter  (my family), Houston

                                 McMahon, Rod  Steel Business (North American Metals, Inc.), Houston, TX

                                 Mutope-Johnson, Ayesha  attorney (ret.), civic organizer (St. James Episcopal Church

                                 Community Outreach), Ho., TX

                                 Ramirez, Ricardo  Intergovernmental Relations Manager (City of Sugar Land), Sugar Land,


                                 Smith, T. Randall  Pastor (Texas Impact), Houston, TX