Legislature: 80th Legislature

Committee Assignments

    Committee of the Whole Senate
    Economic Development, Select
    Government Organization
    Natural Resources
    S/C on Ag., Rural Affairs & Coastal Resources
    Nominations (Chair)
    State Affairs

Conference Committees for 80(R) - 2007
    Conference Committee on HB 12
    Conference Committee on HB 88
    Conference Committee on HB 447 (Chair)
    Conference Committee on HB 1090 (Chair)
    Conference Committee on HB 1146
    Conference Committee on HB 1638 (Chair)
    Conference Committee on HB 2261 (Chair)
    Conference Committee on HB 2542
    Conference Committee on HB 2819 (Chair)
    Conference Committee on HB 2823
    Conference Committee on HB 2960
    Conference Committee on HB 3674 (Chair)
    Conference Committee on SB 23
    Conference Committee on SB 1604 (Discharged)

Legislative Information

80(R) - 2007
    Bills Authored
    Bills Sponsored
    Bills Coauthored
    Bills Cosponsored
    Amendments Authored