Legislature: 82nd Legislature

Committee Assignments

    Committee of the Whole Senate
    Economic Development, Select
    Finance-S/C on Higher Education Funding
    Finance-S/C on Public Education Funding (Chair)
    Finance-S/C on Public Safety
    Human Trafficking
    Open Government, Select
    Public School Finance System (Cochair)
    Transportation & Homeland Security

Conference Committees for 82(R) - 2011
    Conference Committee on HB 6 (Chair)
    Conference Committee on HB 300
    Conference Committee on HB 725
    Conference Committee on HB 1000
    Conference Committee on HB 1112
    Conference Committee on HB 1335
    Conference Committee on HB 1400
    Conference Committee on HB 1555
    Conference Committee on HB 2365 (Chair)
    Conference Committee on HB 2380 (Chair)
    Conference Committee on HB 2457
    Conference Committee on HB 2734
    Conference Committee on HB 3246
    Conference Committee on HB 3468 (Chair)
    Conference Committee on SB 8
    Conference Committee on SB 23
    Conference Committee on SB 89
    Conference Committee on SB 100
    Conference Committee on SB 1489
    Conference Committee on SB 1534 (Chair)
    Conference Committee on SB 1543
    Conference Committee on SB 1788

Conference Committees for 82(1) - 2011
    Conference Committee on SB 1
    Conference Committee on SB 6 (Chair)
    Conference Committee on SB 7
    Conference Committee on SB 8 (Chair)

Legislative Information

82(R) - 2011
    Bills Authored
    Bills Sponsored
    Bills Coauthored
    Bills Cosponsored
    Amendments Authored

82(1) - 2011
    Bills Authored
    Bills Sponsored
    Bills Coauthored
    Bills Cosponsored
    Amendments Authored